Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sweet Joseph

Well this post is definately overdue.. umm about 7 months to be exact...

Joseph I love you with all my heart. The time you were in the NICU was probably the hardest, yet most peaceful time in my life. I was so scared yet had this overwhelming peace that God was going to take care of you and no matter what would be there with us. When we finally got the diagnosis of Prader Willi my heart broke, but the overwhelming peace was still there.

I had doctors tell me one thing about the syndrome but a voice inside me was telling me they were going to be blown away at our little boy:) Mr Joseph, you are blowing their socks off, God has used you to open so many people's eyes. God totally opened an amazing door for us regarding a doctor in Florida who tells us the opposite of what the original doctors told us. She knows you are special and wonderful just like we do. You are a true amazing gift to us and I will move mountains for you to make sure that nobody tells you you won't do something. Thats mans eye not Gods.

I do not know what the future holds and I know this road may be hard at times, but you will never ever be on it alone. Your dad and I love you so much, Jacob, Joshua and Ella adore you. God has big plans for you!

We Love you Joseph Dominic

Love Mom xxoo

Meaning of Joseph "God will Increase"

Meaning of Dominic "Belonging to God"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Jacob

My sweet Jacob I am so sorry this was not written on your Birthday on the 18th. You have been so understanding with Joseph being in the NICU. I love you Jacob! My sweet 7 year old, oh how I love you so:) You had a birthday on the 18th and I am so sorry I did not write this blog sooner. With your brother Joseph being sick its been hard to sit down. You have been so amazing with all of this. Watching after Ella and Joshua. You are such a wonderful big brother. At school you recieved the unselfishness award and that does not surprise me.Jacob you amaze me everyday. You work so hard at everything you do. God is going to use you in big amazing ways. When I look at you I think to myself where has my baby gone. I am so proud of you and love you so much. Thanks for blessing me by letting me be your Mom.
Happy Birthday Jacob, Love Mom XXOO

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Ella

Miss Ella you were 2 Yesterday:) Its hard to believe that you are getting to be such a big girl. Things have been crazy around here with the birth of your sweet brother Joseph. He has been in the nicu since the day he was born. You have been such a good girl for your grandma's and daddy while mommy has been with him. I was able to spend the night at home on your birthday and sing you happy birthday and love on you. You bring such a joy to our family, tons of laughter and you are quite the little princess. Your brothers adore you and you have them wrapped around your little finger;) I am so sorry I was not with you all day on your birthday, but I know that when you look back you will understand that mommy needed to be with Joseph and that she loves all of you so much and would do anything for her babies.
I am sorry this post is the day after your birthday, but I wanted to make sure I documented it, even if it is a day late.
Happy Birthday my Love! I am blessed to have you as my daughter!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Joshua!

Oh my sweet sweet Joshua. You are 5 today, really you are 5! You are such a fun, sweet, wild and crazy little boy.

You have grown so much this year, you love school and are doing so well. You played soccer this year on the Tigers Team and were quite the soccer player:) I love your love for the Lord. You have taught me so much this last year on that. When I have been sad or worried you have been the one to quote scripture to me at the moment I needed it the most.

I am so proud of you little man, you make my heart just overflow.

Happy 5th Birthday Joshua David!

All my love xxoo


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Don't want to forget

I wanted to make sure I wrote this down so I can have it always.. Ella and I were doing the normal ritual of going to bed. We brushed our teeth, put on her PJ's, read books, and sang our songs.. We were just laying in her bed and I kissed her head and said "I love you so much Ella".
Then I hear her tiny voice say "I love you". That was the 1st time she has ever said it and it just made my heart so happy...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hands and Heart

Lately when someone sees me in a store walking with my cart, 3 kiddos and my big prego belly they will stop and say "You have your hands full". I just laugh and usually keep walking, many times wondering was that a compliment:)

OK so being a mom of 3 almost 4 is crazy I will admit. There are days I want to run away and hide under the covers. There are days all I deal with is tantrums and kids fighting, or throw up and snot. There are days when I feel like a bad mom. So many may think my hands are full!

Then there are the days when one of my kids gives me a hug for no reason, a "I love you" or a sweet "Thank You". My house is a home because its always filled with, laughter and tons of love. I know there will be good and bad days, but I also know that God has trusted me with these precious children and I am going to do my best to be the best Mom I can be.
I only have 18 years with them till they are on their own. Each moment with them is a gift, the good, the bad and the ugly..

So next time someone says my "Hands are Full" My response will be "Yep but my heart is overflowing!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Snowy filled fun!

Dallas weather has been crazy this winter. Today it is 60 degrees, but the 1st 2 weeks of February it was snowy and Dallas pretty much shut down. The kids and I loved it, we baked lots of goodies, drank way too much hot chocolate, and did lots of sledding.
It was lots of family time filled with laughs and snuggling by the fire...just like I like it:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Way toooooooooo Fast

Ella and I had a Mommy and me day today, shopping, lunch just baby girl and I :) I loved every moment of it, she is just growing so quickly. Where is my baby,those chubby legs and cheeks are all gone.. It is so hard to explain but there is something about having a girl...DO not get me wrong I adore my boys they are lights in my life, but there are some things that my husband and the boys do that quite frankly I do not understand..haha

Ella and I we are all girl:) I just love the bond that we have her and I.. For right now she loves and likes me and I am sure when the years go by there will be times she is like MOM! So I will enjoy our us time as much as I can..

Love you baby girl....