Back in late 2002 I started to wonder if I would ever be a mom..I so had the desire but my body had other ideas.. I went through tests and medicine for about a year and no luck.. I struggled quite a bit and wondered why would God put this desire on my heart if it was not going to happen.
I put up a good front of being OK but on the inside I so wanted to be a mom.. I will never forget a woman's retreat I went on in 2003 and a wonderful speaker was giving her testimony and she said something that just hit me, "Give it to God" simple words but truly if we are honest with ourselves it hard to let go of things and give someone else control.
That night those words kept ringing through my ears, and I said to God, "I give it to you" you have put this desire on my heart and if its what you want for me I know you will make it happen. If not, show me what you would like for us to do whether it be other medicines or adoption, I give it you. That night there was a complete peace.
A few months later I found out I was pregnant. In May of 2004 I became a MOM, and In May of 2006, and in May 2009.. Do you see where My May Munchkins came from:)
My life has never been the same, I have never felt so much love as I do for these little ones. Going through the infertility really taught me to give it God and he knows the desires of my heart and oh he is so faithful..
So on this Mothers Day I want to tell Joshua,Jacob and Ella, thank you.. thank you for filling my life with so much joy. You are 3 amazing kids and I can not even begin to tell you how much I love you..
Happy Mothers Day!
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