Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How can it be that the summer is over and the new school year has begun! Jacob and Joshua I am so very proud of you both. You are such sweet boys (even though Jacob you do not like me calling you sweet) but you are. You both have brought so much joy to my life and I feel so blessed to be your mom.

You two were so excited this morning to start this new year. It makes my heart full that that you enjoy your school. I love that you can go to school a couple days a week and then the other days you are home with me. I love being your teacher as well and I have to admit I am learning quite a bit along the way:)

Jacob its soooo hard for me to think of you in 2nd Grade! Where did my baby go! You are becoming such a wonderful little man. I love you with all my heart!

Joshua, you are in KINDERGARTEN! Joshua you are growing up way to FAST! Thanks for letting me be your mom! I love you to the moon and back.

Jacob and Joshua when you look back on your school years the one thing I hope you always remember is how much I love you and enjoy every moment with you. ( ok when you two are not fighting with each other:)

All My Love,
Mom xxoo

                                                                     Where did my babies go?

                                                                                 All Grown up!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What a difference a year makes!

Its hard to believe a year ago I was taking Joseph to see Dr. Miller in Florida. It all seems like so long ago, yet I can remember everything about the trip. I remember the way I felt as I got on the plane just Joseph and I.  He was so tiny and all I kept thinking was, I got you sweetie and we will fight this together. I remember how I would have him sleep on me so I could take in every breath he took, praying over him every moment I could. I remember also that peace, peace deep in my soul that we would be ok.

Dr. Miller is amazing and she let me see Prader Willi in COMPLETELY different eyes.. Joseph will learn to walk and talk, he will go to school, he will get married, he will have an amazing life .  I know all these things will not be easy but he will do them in his time with us cheering for him every step of the way.

I think many times when things are going well in our lives we put God last on our priorities.. I know I did, I was just going through life! Yes my faith is strong, but I know I did not always put God first. I let life get in the way.
When all this was going on last year I never questioned my faith, what I questioned was why did it take Joseph getting diagnosed with Prader Willi for me to put  God first again.. The biggest lesson I have learned this year is to constantly lean on God for everything.  I will cry out to him in time of needs, but also daily thank him for all my blessings.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... Proverbs 3:5

What a difference a year makes!