Well not much new on our end! Kids are enjoying the summer in the pool and being with friends.. Joseph is doing great, he is saying Momma and he repeats NO:) haha little stinker.. Ella has been my partner this summer taking Joseph to therapy and keeping me company. Its been fun to be able to spend that time talking to her. She is one smart cookie and so much fun.. Oh and she is starting to have a little Diva come out:) Life is good we are blessed! xxoo
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sorry? No! Blessed? Yes!
I get quite a few people say "I am so sorry you are going through all this with Joseph" I have to be honest YES its been hard but I just can not imagine my life without him. I just know God is going to use my little love bug for amazing things. My kids are better for having a little brother with Prader Willi. They are learning to sacrifice, to rejoice when he accomplishes a task and pray like we have never prayed before for him to be healed. I don't want anyone to ever feel sorry for me or us.. In a way I feel sorry for them, the love we have for Joseph is like nothing I have ever felt. I put my fears to the side and don't take no for an answer. If a doctor says he can't do something my goal in life is to prove them wrong. I don't set limits on what he can do, I know I serve an amazing God who can make anything possible. Joseph is a blessing, a gift, he has helped me to be such a better person and for that I am grateful!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Back on Track!
Well I am one worn out Momma:) I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things after our week in St. Louis:) Boys have been in VBS all week and having a blast and Miss Ella has been my parter in crime taking Joseph's to therapy and shopping.. woohoo.. It has been a hot couple of days so we have enjoyed spending our afternoons in the pool, grilling and enjoying our summer. I am one blessed Mom of some amazing kids.. My heart overflows for these little ones.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Well 2 of the kids are down and out with Strep! Yuck! Ella I could tell something was wrong, but Joseph he was just more quiet.. That is one thing that really scares me about Prader Willi, they have a hard time controlling body temp so when they do have a fever you should be worried... Lovely. Usually if they have a fever then its usually higher then what it states..Wonderful:) haha... I had the other kids in for their Yearly Well check and just asked her to check Joseph and he came up positive for Strep.. Poor little man, they gave him a shot to knock it out because we did not want him to go downhill quickly.. So my little pumpkins are resting and hopefully will be better soon...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Well sweet Joseph we are back home and jumping back into all your therapies! You are such a hard worker and I am so proud of you. We had speech therapy and you are so cute and Miss Rebecca loves you. She even texted me last week when we were out of town to see how her Joseph was..You are already a ladies man:) You are doing so great in therapy, Miss Rebecca said because of your low muscle tone it will just take you a little longer. You forget what all is a muscle and how we take it for granted. You are getting stronger and stronger and I know pretty soon you will be talking a mile a minute.. I love you to the moon and back!
Mom xxoo

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Happy Belated Birthday Post!
Jacob, Joshua and Ella, this post should of been written on your birthdays but your mom is kind of behind.. hahaha story of my life lately. I wanted to let you all know how much I love you! I know this last year has been hard on you with all the therapies and doctor appointments I have had to take Joseph on. You never complain, just say "mom you are leaving again for another appt" and give me that extra hug I needed to get me through the day.
Jacob ummm you are 8.. Wow, when did you grow up! Where did my baby go.. You amaze me all the time with that brain of yours haha..That totally came from your Dad! You are a hard worker and I appreciate all the help that you give me with your brothers and sister. Joseph is your buddy, you can make him belly laugh like no other.. You are the go with the flow kind of kid and that has been so helpful this year. I am so proud of the boy you have become, I get emails and calls all the time from people letting me know how thoughtful you are. I love you Jacob and its hard for me to see you grow up so quickly. I remember when you were 1 and you and I would play Thomas the train for hours! Where does the time go sweet boy.. I love you sooooo much!
Joshua its so hard for me to believe you are 6. You did amazing in school this year AMAZING! You are so cute you will ask people, "Do you believe in God" I love, love your faith.. I watch you go and lay hands on Joseph and pray for God to heal him of Prader Willi.. Joshua you have the sweetest little heart. You are my wild man but that is what makes you, you and so very special! I love you Joshua with all my heart!
Ella, or as you say my name is "Ella Bagella". You are my princess, I love you little lady! Its hard to think you turned 3! I love being your Mom! You keep me on my toes and make me giggle. You are my Target buddy, the boys do not appreciate shopping like you and I do:) Ella you are a beautiful girl, and I love when you tell me "Mom I need a big hug and kiss" and that "you love me."
I love you baby girl
I love you all so much and I am so blessed to be your mom!
Mom xxoo
Joining Together for Joseph
Wow what a weekend! JoeJoe you are loved loved! Our 1st Joining Together for Joseph Fundraiser was a success sweet boy. We raised $10,000 for The Foundation for Prader Willi Research! Yaaaa.. Joseph you are such a joy and my heart overflows with love for you. Your brothers and sisters are the best thing that has ever happened to me.. (well besides your dad of course:) You are a fighter and God will use you for great things. You have so many people that love you and support you and our family.
When you were first diagnosed I was so scared and sad. I would lay with you sleeping on me just to hold you and pray over you. God knew what he was doing when he gave you to us:) I needed you Joseph you have changed my life for the better. Yes there are many times I feel like I have hit a wall and I can't take you to another therapy, then I realize Gosh Joseph is actually doing the therapies. You are a hard worker little man. I know there are days you are worn out but you just keep going! I am so proud of you!
I love you little man!
Love Mom
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