Jacob,Joshua,Ella and Joseph this blog is for you my sweet little ones. I love you so very much and cherish being able to be home with all of you. You bring love, laughter, and well, craziness like I have never known:)
I am excited to see all the amazing things God is going to do in your lives..
My sweet family I just love them..I was laughing last night thinking how I have either been pregnant or having a baby every year for 7 years..haha..My life is full and I love every minute of it.. Craziness and all!
Jacob my sweet boy can you really be in kindergarten already..You love your new school and that makes my heart so full. You got in the car today and said that was "Awesome Mom". I am so happy for you to start this new chapter in your life. Oh and a little sad..but you know what you will always be my baby. I love you Jacob!
Just love these little men in my life:) I keep staring at them lately in awe of the young boys they are becoming. They are rough and tough and at the same time have hearts of sweetness and kindness. I am proud they call me Mom!
I am married to an amazing godly man. I have 3 boys and a little girl.. I am a christian woman trying daily to use everything he gives me to glorify him.